Tuesday 14 February 2012


beautiful cat, cut kitten, cuddly cat, cuddly kitten, brown cat, little cat, nobody, tender cat, valentines flower, cat red rose

Better Late than never,
Happy Valentines!

Instead of buying those expensive bouquets for that special someone, Why not apply what you learned?
This is the perfect opportunity to show your love one how you really  appreciate them by doing your own arrangement. The game from the previous post can you help plan out.

For this Valentines, I tried to make a Nageire(Upright). My idea revolved around putting colors that were complimentary, like white and pink. It looked good in my head but it gave me quite a challenge when I was doing the actual arrangement. I promise next time I'll put up a picture of my attempts and we can maybe compare and trade ideas. Ciao for now!

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